Digital Image To Icon Converter is a helpful tool that allows you to convert images or digital photos in to Windows Icons. You can include different sizes 8x8, 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, ad 64x64, also you can use transparent color for the image by marking the option "Transparent Color" and clicking in the image the color you wish to make transparent. The icons can be used for many things like waypoint icons, chat programs, web sites, software programs, Windows icons, etc.
Input formats supported: bit map (BMP), graphics interchange format (GIF), joint photographic experts group format (JPEG), extension of jpeg files (JPG) and portable network graphics format (PNG).
Target format: icon image file format (ICO).
Instructions to utilize the program: You have to click in the "Open Picture" icon and selecte the image. After selecting the image you will see it in the window. You can select the option Compress, Cut edges, or Adjust to obtain the best image. Select the icon sizes you wish to include in the target file and transparent color (if desired), finally click in the "Save Icon”.
System requirements: Windows 98/Me/NT/Win2000/XP/Vista, .NET Framework.